We All Need Inspirational Stories, Even Humor Columnists I thought I would tell a story that is near and dear to my heart. A while back, my older brother Patrick, wise in years of experience, gave me a small digital voice recorder for my personal note taking. While sitting around the table, reading the instructions and figuring out which buttons to push, he decided to give me an example of how the new technology works. So Patrick searched for something that he could read into the mic. It was at this time that he was reading a motivational book titled, What to Say When You Talk to Your Self , by Shad Helmstetter , PH.D. Skimming through the pages, he settled on a section of the book that begins with, "I can do anything I believe I can do!" and ends with, "I am an exceptional human being." Talk about killing two birds with one stone, oops, no killing birds here. But it was great to be able to see and hear how the voice recorder functioned as well as hearing the ve...