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I just finished reading The Secret by Rhonda Byrne for the third time.

The first time was around nine years ago. I decided to just play around with the Law of Attraction according to the basic premise of The Secret: I can attract something to myself through the power of my mind. Thoughts operate on different frequency levels and can be measured. Like a human transmission tower, my magnetic thoughts are sent out into the Universe attracting all like things on the same frequency, and then returned to me. Thoughts become things. The Law of Attraction is always working, whether I believe it or understand it or not.

The Bible also tells us, "Whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive." (Matthew 21:22) So the Three Step Plan in both books seems to be: Ask, Believe, Receive.

I asked for a Lamborghini and 20/20 vision. I also asked for  a red horseshoe magnet as tangible evidence of the Law of Attraction. The red magnet idea came from a man, who after reading The Secret, decided to ask for a feather with particular markings on it so he would know without a doubt that if he saw this feather, it had come to him through his intentional use of the Law of Attraction. Two days later, as he was about to walk into a high-rise building on a street in New York City, he looked down and there was the exact feather he had visualized, unique markings and all.

I had ordered from the Universal Catalog, and just needed to wait for delivery. On my way to work the next morning, I heard on the radio, "Your Lamborghini is at the Auto Show at Pittsburgh's Convention Center. "OK," I thought, "the Universe is just messing with me. Good one, Universe."

Filling my gas tank that same morning, my total came to $20.20. Since I ordered perfect eyesight, there had to be a connection. I was seeing 20/20. You may think this is a stretch in receiving what was requested, but in my mind the planets were aligning themselves in my favor and I was grateful.

Did I really believe I would receive a Lamborghini and perfect eyesight? Absolutely not! Did I believe I would receive a red horseshoe magnet? Absolutely!

When I walked into my classroom that morning, the first thing I saw was a red horseshoe magnet (the one in the picture with this article) sitting in the chalkboard tray. I still get chills thinking about my amazement. I had told no one except the Universe about my desire for this particular magnet. To paraphrase The Secret, it wasn't my job to figure out how this could happen, only to believe that it would. To this day I don't know how I received that magnet, but I do know why. I asked, believed and received.

The big question in my mind today is why didn't I continue believing in the power of my mind? Even after reading The Secret for the second time, I did nothing to pursue my dreams in this proactive manner. I let doubts and negative thoughts derail my plans. Guess what I got in return? More doubts and negative thoughts because in essence that's what I was sending from my transmission tower. In reflection, I sometimes thought my wishes would come true, and then what? Afraid of success? Crazy thinking, huh?

They say the third time is a charm, so here goes. I'm asking for and working toward the following goals: I believe I can be a published author. I believe I will soon vacation at the Heceta Head Lighthouse Bed and Breakfast in Oregon. I believe I will soon live a life of abundance filled with financial security and the ability to help less fortunate relatives, friends and strangers.

You may be scoffing, but my red horseshoe magnet is proof. If I had truly believed it was possible and truly wanted a Lamborghini and perfect eyesight badly enough, I would have them today. Read The Secret to learn about real life health and monetary miracles. Apparently the Universe doesn't distinguish between a dollar or a million dollars.

So ask, believe and receive. When the Universe answers, "Your wish is my command!" remember to show your gratitude.

Just sayin'

Thank you for financial security!

Contact Sandra Seeley today.


Jessica Seeley said…
Can you please let the Universe know that I'd like Princess Diana/Kate Middleton's engagement ring (it doesn't have to be off of her finger, an exact replica will do) and a job at an NPO that's funded by a wealthy benefactor who's willing to pay me a six-figure salary to save refugee orphans? A trip to Bora Bora would be cool, too.
Sandra Seeley said…
I believe you just placed your order with the Universe yourself. No need to duplicate, although I would also like the ring and trip to Bora Bora! I'll help finance refugee orphans when my millions arrive.

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